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The E-Cigarretes or electronic cigarettes consist of a cartomiser  i.e cartridge containing liquid which is vapourised  with  atomizer or heating element that heats up  the liquid  and a Battery that heats up the heating element

That Is all about E-cigarettes the difference lies only in the type of Battery You use . Batteries differ in the time of backup they give after charging and their Quality i.e Guaranty some world class companies provide  full  life time guaranty.They may be manual where you can put battery off or on  with the help of a switch  or automatic  without a switch.

The cartomizers   or simply cartridges also differ in the time they can be consumed -They can be consumed two times , 7 times or twenty four times before replacing



You can use any type of cartridge with any type of Battery  . To see how parts fit into each other  watch the clip

The liquid vapourizes on puffing and gives vapour instead of smoke with no odour  ,tar , ash or passive smoking effect. You can test this  after taking a puff and blowing on paper or hand you will see no mark while as traditional smoke leaves a mark.To see how to refill your cartridge watch the video clips


Cartridges  contain liquid which comes in different flavours  and ml packings and is used to refill the cartridges . You can choose the amount of nicotine you want or you can choose any flavour without nicotine

The cigarettes have minimum side effects watch what the former cancer patients have to say



Then there is technological jargon of tanks and mods which differ in the size and  amount of liquid they can hold.and also they have greater battery backup use them if You want to go on smoking without exhusting  your battery or liquid

Very important Choose your E cigarette from a trusted company i.e .which have research and development labs to test the product quality and if you are suffering from some chronic illness then it is better to consult a doctor before using the cigarettes

All about E- cigarettes Smoking in modern century 


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